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Lion of War

Book #2

Book #1 Lion of Twilight. As the firstborn son of the Earl of Hereford and Worcester, England's greatest knight during the reign of Richard I, Curtis grew up knowing what was expected of him and he thrived through the pressure. But the pressure was kept buried and, with all pressure, at some point it's got to give. With a reputation for being humorless, brutally honest, powerful, and fearless in battle, Curtis is the shining heir for the House of de Lohr. As the premier knight for Henry III, he performs flawlessly in every battle, every situation. When he is put to the test in Wales by laying siege to a castle that Henry wants very badly, the victory of that castle brings about a treaty of epic proportions - having a wife forced upon him in exchange for peace. Eira Avrielle "Elle" ferch Gwynwynwyn is a warrior woman in her own right. The daughter of the last ruler of Powys, she is a valuable commodity to the Welsh as well as to the English. She also happens to be a widow and since the death of her husband, she has fought in every battle against the English in his stead. That means she fought against Curtis in his quest to take her castle, something he wasn't aware of. A woman of mystery, Elle carries many secrets that she keeps deeply buried. She has plans for her new husband. One thing she didn't plan on was falling in love with him. And the feeling is very, very mutual.

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